Step 2: Data

For cycle 3 (2023- 2024) to undertake a PCIP assessment your organisation needs to provide specific numeric data in advance of a PCIP visit e.g. KPI information and spend breakdown.

Rather than having to supply this data specifically for the PCIP, the data needed will be taken from the information your organisation already supplies in your Annual Procurement Report (APR). 

Quickfire Guide

Quickfire Guide

It is a mandatory legislative requirement to publish an APR. Public bodies with an annual regulated procurement spend of £5 million and above should also complete an APR data template. The Procurement Reform Act (Scotland) 2014 states:

“A contracting authority which is required to prepare or revise a procurement strategy in relation to a financial year must prepare an annual procurement report on its regulated procurement activities as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of that financial year.”

For those organisations who are not legally required to complete an APR, it is recommended as best practice to compile an APR that is proportionate to the procurement activity of your organisation and complete the APR Data Template (Annex A).

This change in approach has been taken to:

  • streamline the PCIP process further
  • reduce the resource required from your organisation to complete a PCIP assessment i.e. your organisation only needs to submit data once
  • reduce duplication in data gathering and management.

How is this Data Used in the PCIP Process?

The data provided will be used by the PCIP assessors to inform your assessment process and support subsequent development activity.  

It is important for assessors to understand your spend profile and the procurement activities you have undertaken in order to work effectively with your organisation and achieve the best benefit for your organisation.

Assessors will likely compare your APR data from several years to identify trends or anomalies.  Where relevant the assessors will discuss their findings with you and highlight any requirements for additional information or clarification with you prior to your assessment day.

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