To help an organisation prepare for the advance information that may be requested the below table:
- lists the advance information
- states whether this advance information is a legal requirement
- states whether this advance information is selected by the PCIP assessor or not
Legal Requirements (Y/N) | Evidence Requested in Advance of Assessment Day | Assessor Selects Procurement Exercise (Y/N) |
Leadership and Governance |
N | Corporate Strategy | N |
Y | Procurement Strategy | N |
Y | Procurement Annual Report | N |
Development & Tender |
N | Any end to end Procurement Exercise Information | Y |
N | End to end High Risk Procurement Exercise Information | Y |
N | End to end High Value Procurement Exercise Information | Y |
N | Documentation seeking external expertise through collaboration or otherwise to develop strategies | N |
N | Evidence of innovation/improvement activity implementation | N |
N | Any end to end Procurement Exercise Information | N |
N | End to end re-let Procurement Exercise Information | Y |
N | Business Critical end to end Procurement Exercise | Y |
N | Implementation & Exit Plans Procedure | N |
N | Documentation of sharing implementation plans and exit strategies with other organisations. | N |
N | End to end Regulated Procurement Exercise | Y |
Contract |
N | Procurement Job descriptions (incl. Delegated Purchasing Agreement) | N |
N | Procurement Training Register & Development Plan | N |
N | Contract and Supplier Management Process/Procedure | N |
Y | Contracts Register (e.g. Access, PCS, etc.) | N |
N | Segmentation Exercise Output | N |
N | Evidence of Supplier Review Meetings (minutes) | N |
N | Report on contract performance for CoE/SG | N |
N | Supplier Performance Reports; CAT C | N |
N | Evidence of Contract Management | N |
N | Supplier Performance Tracker such as a Supplier League Table | N |
N | Training Record of CSM Roles Training | N |
N | Evidence of Supplier Events / Meet the Buyer | N |
N | Key Supplier Record | N |
N | CSM Savings Tracker | N |
N | Evidence of benchmarking CSM process - reports, emails | N |
N | Example of T&Cs (anonymous) | N |
N | Audit Strategy/Plan | N |
N | SLA/KPIs Tracker | N |
N | Supplier Failure Dispute Process | N |
N | Contract Variation Procedure | N |
N | Contract Review Meeting Minutes | N |
N | Consumption Reports and follow on action plans | N |
N | Supplier Development Objectives example | N |
N | Supplier Feedback example | N |
N | Spend/benefit report | N |
N | Supplier Innovation Tracker | N |
N | End to end High Value Procurement Exercise Information | N |
N | End to end High Risk Procurement Exercise Information | N |
N | Organisation/Procurement Improvement Action Plan | N |
N | End to end Medium to Low Risk Procurement Exercise | Y |
N | End to end Medium to Low Value Procurement Exercise | Y |
N | Lessons Learned Process | N |
N | Lessons Learned Report/repository | N |
Legal Requirements to be assessed using information above |
Y | Contracting Authority must publicise its intention to seek offers as part of a regulated procurement on the Public Contracts Scotland website | |
Y |
Evidence that the Contracting Authority publicises above threshold tenders via the Find a Tender Service (FTS). |
Y |
Evidence that the Contracting Authority publicises regulated procurement Contract Award Notices via PCS (and therefore FTS) |
Y | Evidence that Most Economically Advantageous Tender is used when assessing bids. | |
Y | Evidence that PINs are published where appropriate | |
Y | Evidence that lotting is being used/given consideration in the commodity/service strategy. | |
Y | Evidence that the website covers how to engage with the Contracting Authority | |
Y | Evidence that requirements issued via an SPPN, and any other legislative changes, are implemented through processes and outputs and monitored where needed. |