To succeed, build on small success: when a pattern of small successes has been achieved, proposing a more ambitious CSM plan becomes less daunting. This is because you have proven results to refer to.
Instead of leaping into the unknown, it becomes the expansion of an already successful process. Initial small successes are a recognised option to create awareness and buy-in for the larger initiative. Small projects are likely to be the best way to gain the support necessary for broader, organisation-wide embedded CSM model adoption.
The selection of small project(s) is important. It should be contracts or services not in crisis and which have scope for improvement. It is even better if it is a contract or service where stakeholders have voiced concerns or expressed a desire to seek improvements.
Once the contract/service has been agreed, a small cross-functional team should be created under a nominated contract manager who will own and manage the small project.
As laid out in more detail throughout the CSM guidance, the nominated cross- functional team should:
- Engage with the nominated supplier and have them create a reciprocal team
- Ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities within both the supplier and the buyer Organisation
- Agree desired outcomes, such as:
- leveraging client and supplier expertise to drive cost and efficiency gains
- improved Management Information (M.I.)
- agreed KPIs and a formalised system of managing and monitoring supplier performance against the contract
- identification of innovation / opportunities (within scope, not material change)
- aggressive, but realistic timescales to ensure focus is maintained and commitments are delivered
Once the desired outcomes are agreed, your nominated contract manager should ensure maintained focus within both organisations until they have been achieved and delivered. The results should be used to demonstrate the untapped potential open to a focused CSM approach.
The Business Case Template, which can be found at the bottom of this page, contains some ideas you may wish to include and should help lay out the business case. Your Organisation may have a standard template to use.